I know this is shocking as hell guys but just bear with me because I'm totally not making this up... Kendra, blonde former Playboy Playmate, has... a sex tape.
I know, I know, it does not make any sense that a woman, who spent the past few years gaining fame by sticking old wrinkly balls in her mouth and saying stupid shit on tv, would even make a raunchy video recording of sexual acts. But it's true.
And while Kendra claims to be "devastated" and "humiliated" by the tape, according to sources:
"Documents acquired by
RadarOnline.com confirm that the Playboy pinup was in the process of releasing the tapes herself over a year and a half ago! According to the documents, a company (which Wilkinson would own and control) would be
formed and Wilkinson's team would shop the tape around soliciting offers. Wilkinson would also be able to mandate how the tape would be edited before it was sent to potential buyers."
While this will definitely put the newly chubby Kendra back in the spotlight and boost ratings on her horrible reality show... I'm not even going to pretend that this was her idea. Come on, we're talking about a woman who's about a step above Jessica Simpson in the smarts department... and that's not saying much.
All I have to say is thank God she made the tape before giving birth, because you can't even try to pretend like after you pop a child out, men's penises do a double take anymore.